Revenge Bedtime Procrastination Scale (RBPS)

Young Schema Questionnaire - Revised (YSQ-R)

The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) is the most commonly used tool to self-assess burnout.
To determine the risk of burnout, the MBI explores three components:
High scores on Exhaustion and Depersonalisation, and low scores on Personal Achievement, are associated with burnout. If you feel that you need help regarding stress management or dealing with burnout, please consult your mental health professional. Different people react to stress and burnout differently. This test is not intended to be a scientific analysis or assessment. The information is not designed to diagnose or treat your stress or symptoms of burnout. The MBI is provided here for education and self-insight purposes only.
Consult your mental health professional if you feel that you need help regarding stress management or dealing with burnout.
C. Maslach, S.E. Jackson, M.P. Leiter (Eds.), Maslach Burnout Inventory manual (3rd ed.), Consulting Psychologists Press (1996)
We acknowledge and pay respects to the people of the Yugambeh language region of the Gold Coast and all their descendants both past and present. We also acknowledge the many Aboriginal people from other regions as well as Torres Strait and South Sea Islander people who now live in the local area and have made important contributions to the community.