How do I find a good psychologist?

How do I find a good psychologist?

It can be daunting to find somebody to open up to. It is not unheard of that people meet with a few psychologists before finding somebody they 'click' with.

Having a good connection with your psychologist is one of the most important factors for getting better.

We strongly encourage you to read the profile of the psycholigist you are booking with to get a feel for whether they might be a good fit. You might also like to speak with them briefly over the phone to get a sense of how they listen and speak before you book your appointment.

If you don't feel a connection with them, we encourage you to consider bringing it up with them. Therapy can be one of the best places to explore what 'connection' means to you.

However, if you really don't think it is a good fit, or there is a clear 'deal breaker' that you think will be made worse by bringing it up, then it might be time to look elsewhere.

It can be frustrating to feel like you have wasted time or have to start over, but in the long-run, we think it is worth it.

What qualifications should I look for in a Psychologist?

In addition to finding somebody you click with, you want to find someone that is appropriately qualified to help you with what brings you to therapy.

In Australia the term 'psychologist' is a protected title, meaning that anyone calling themselves a psycholigist is either appropriately qualified, or they're breaking the law.

Beyond their specific qualifications (e.g., masters degree, doctorate, or PhD), you might want to look for somebody that has completed additional training and focuses on the area you are having trouble with. For example, depression, relationships, addiction, eating disorders, or many other things that might bring you to a psychologist.

Ultimately, most psychologists have a broad range because the issues we bring to the room rarely fit a neat box like "anxiety". We are more compex than that, and we feel all psychologists should be relatively open to exploring what that complexity looks like for you.

Unravel areas of practice

Nobody can do everything. That's just as true of psychologists as it is of you.

At Unravel, we currently have psychologists experienced in the following areas:

Anxiety; Burnout; Career and Vocational Planning; Conflict Resolution; Depression; Executive Coaching; Gambling addiction; General Psychology; Men's Issues; Mental health; Personal Development; Personality Assessments; Pornography addiction; Psychotherapy; Relapse prevention; Relationships; Self-Esteem and Self-Development; Sleep Disorders; Stress; Substance use; Trauma; Weight loss; and Workplace Bullying.

We offer online and face-to-face consultations at our practice in Varisty Lakes on the Gold Coast from January 2024.

You can learn about our psychologists here.

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